Meet  Bailey Haggarty - Assistant Director of Seagulls  at the Australian National Maritime Museum. We kitted Bailey with a GoPro to film his adventures for an upcoming project - stay tuned!
 Kenzee Patterson's 2016 work Money Spinner will be a part of  A Working Model of the World , curated by Holly Williams with Dr Lizzie Muller at UNSW Galleries.
 As part of her exhibition  onetoeight: Australia's First Prime Ministers  at the Museum of Australian Democracy, Alison Alder has created this wallpaper featuring the wives of the early leaders.
 Meet  Bailey Haggarty - Assistant Director of Seagulls  at the Australian National Maritime Museum. We kitted Bailey with a GoPro to film his adventures for an upcoming project - stay tuned!

Meet Bailey Haggarty - Assistant Director of Seagulls at the Australian National Maritime Museum. We kitted Bailey with a GoPro to film his adventures for an upcoming project - stay tuned!

 Kenzee Patterson's 2016 work Money Spinner will be a part of  A Working Model of the World , curated by Holly Williams with Dr Lizzie Muller at UNSW Galleries.

Kenzee Patterson's 2016 work Money Spinner will be a part of A Working Model of the World, curated by Holly Williams with Dr Lizzie Muller at UNSW Galleries.

 As part of her exhibition  onetoeight: Australia's First Prime Ministers  at the Museum of Australian Democracy, Alison Alder has created this wallpaper featuring the wives of the early leaders.

As part of her exhibition onetoeight: Australia's First Prime Ministers at the Museum of Australian Democracy, Alison Alder has created this wallpaper featuring the wives of the early leaders.